• Çukurambar Mahallesi, Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cad. No:8/21
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Çukurambar Mahallesi, Muhsin Yazıcıoğlu Cad. No:8/21 Çankaya/ANKARA
What is curettage?

Curettage is a term used to mean the removal of tissues from the uterus. However, it is mostly used in the sense of termination of pregnancy among the people. In the Republic of Turkey, legal curettage is undergone in pregnancies up to the 10th week. The use of medication for terminating larger pregnancies can be done with the decision of the health board because the pregnancy endanger the life of the mother or the baby is disabled. We attach great importance to patient privacy and safety.

When is curettage undergone?

Curettage is performed to terminate an unwanted pregnancy as well as a desired but unhealthy pregnancy. It is also necessary in cases where the baby’s heartbeat stops, the use of harmful drugs or exposure to high doses of radiation during pregnancy, embryo formation is not seen at all, or the birth continues. pregnancy puts the mother’s life in danger.

In women with uterine thickening other than curettage, when a biopsy is required for the diagnosis of uterine cancer, it is performed in patients presenting with abnormal vaginal bleeding to stop the bleeding and to make tissue diagnosis.

How to curettage?

Today, curettage is mostly performed by vacuum aspiration method. This technique is much less damaging than the curettage method. In the vacuum aspiration curettage technique, disposable sterile cannulas are inserted into the uterus through the cervix and the pregnancy material is withdrawn with an injector called Karmen, which provides negative pressure. This process is repeated until you are sure that there is no tissue left inside and takes about 5-6 minutes. Curettage technique is very important and it is an intervention that should be done after a serious examination in the most suitable and sterile conditions for the mother in experienced hands. Detailed information should be obtained about the pre-abortion procedure.

How Long Does Curettage Take?

The curettage is undergone on the same day. It is a process that takes about 10-15 minutes. The longer the gestational week, the longer the period. Light dose anesthesia and rest period after the procedure should be considered in the patient who had abortion with sedation anesthesia. Although the duration of the procedure is the same in patients who have abortion with this type of anesthesia, a rest period of 30-60 minutes is given after the procedure.

What Should Patients Pay Attention to Before Curettage?

Patients who will undergo sedation type anesthesia while coming for abortion should stop eating and drinking 4-6 hours beforehand.
Smokers should not smoke 4-6 hours before the procedure. Before the procedure, blood group information is requested in terms of blood incompatibility. If the patient is using blood dilutings, it is recommended not to take the drug before the procedure. It is preferred that you come with a relative who will help you while coming to the center where the procedure will be performed.

What Should Patients Pay Attention to After Curettage?

Normal activities usually return within a few days, and anything can be done in the first 24 hours except very hard work.
Eating and drinking can be done 1-2 hours after the curettage procedure.
Approximately 2 weeks after the procedure, it is necessary to go to the control.
In the first week, there may be pain such as menstrual pain or little bleeding.
If you have a lot of bleeding or pain, you should apply to your doctor.
You can take a standing shower the same day after the curettage.
It is not recommended to drink alcohol while taking antibiotics.
2 weeks of sexual intercourse is not recommended. The first menstrual bleeding occurs 4-6 weeks after the abortion.

When Does Menstruation occur after curettage?

One of the most frequently asked questions by patients after curettage is when will I get menstruation. The first menstruation is expected within thirty to forty days after the curettage. Menstruation after curettage can be twenty days early to fifty to sixty days after. In case of delayed menstruation after curettage, you should apply to your doctor as there may be complications in the operation.

What should be considered when investigating the curettage fee?

There are many fees and tariffs of curettage depend on curettage clinics, the region where the clinic is located, and the medical supplies used in the curettage operation. The first criterion that women who under curettage should pay attention to the hygienic hospital environment of the place where the curettage will be performed, the doctor who will operate, rather than the curettage fee. For curettage, places other than the clinical setting are preferred only because they are economical. Loop should not be made. Curettage, has risks as any surgical operation.

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